Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

  • Pregnancy Considerations
  • Healthy Weight Maintenance
  • Overall Good Health
  • The Right Procedure for You?

Diet and exercise can take you a long way on the road to your ideal shape. They can help you reach a healthy weight. They are important for overall health and wellbeing. But they unfortunately cannot eliminate all the issues you may have with your midsection. If you’re dissatisfied with your middle, it’s very possible you’ve done all you can to achieve your ideal shape. Body recontouring might be the next step on your journey to a better body. If you’ve been wondering, am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?, here are some signs that abdominoplasty might be a good fit for you.

1. You’re certain that you’re done having children.

You might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you’re sure that you’re done having children. A future pregnancy might simply undo all of your surgeon’s work!

Common tummy tuck candidates are women in their twenties and thirties who are certain that they won’t be having any more children. They may have excess skin and separated muscles from their previous pregnancies, issues that unfortunately can’t be corrected through diet and exercise.

For further reading: Does Mom Pooch Go Away? 

During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles separate to allow for the uterus to expand. After the pregnancy, the muscles don’t always come fully back together. During a tummy tuck, the cosmetic surgeon can reposition and tighten up the core. Additionally, any excess skin, including c-section scars, are removed. 

Of course, a pregnancy would simply stretch the skin and muscles all over again. So if you’re considering a tummy tuck, make sure pregnancy isn’t also a future possibility for you.

2. You’re at a healthy, stable weight.

Another reason you might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck is that you’re at a healthy, stable weight. A tummy tuck is a great option for you if you’ve hit your weight loss goal and are happy at your current weight. Remaining at a stable weight is important for your surgeon, otherwise he or she will be working with a moving target, which makes giving a good contour more difficult. 

Bariatric patients are other common tummy tuck patients. Tummy tucks remove the leftover skin from massive weight loss that can’t be eliminated other ways. It’s important to note that patients should have a body mass index of 32-35 or less if they’d like to have this surgery done in an outpatient center, like Dr. Bartell’s. Although it is possible to have the surgery done with a higher bmi, it is safer to have it performed in a hospital setting. 

Calculate your bmi here.

3. You’re a non-smoker in overall good health.

If you’re interested in a tummy tuck, it’s essential that you are not currently smoking. Smoking adversely affects scar formation. 

Also important is that you’re in overall good health. People who are not medically stable, with conditions like uncontrolled diabetes and heart disease, are also not good candidates for this type of surgery. 

4. You could benefit from a tummy tuck!

If you’ve experienced pregnancy or weight loss and have extra skin or stretched out muscles, a tummy tuck might be the perfect surgery for you. However, if you simply just have extra fatty tissue, you might benefit from a simpler procedure, like a little liposuction.

Tummy Tucks in Madison, Wisconsin

To find out if you’re a good candidate for liposuction, please schedule your consult today with Dr. Thomas Bartell. Dr. Bartell specializes solely in below-the-neck body recontouring procedures. See what Dr. Bartell could achieve for you with real before-and-after photos.

Among other procedures, Dr. Bartell provides tummy tucks in Madison, Wisconsin. 

Dr. Bartell Body Recontouring Specialist

6418 Normandy Lane, Suite 210
Madison, WI 53719
United States (US)
Fax: (608) 271-0502

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck? brought to you by Dr. Thomas Bartell