Top 3 Beach Body Cosmetic Procedures

Springtime in Madison is here! It’s the perfect time to open the windows, air out the house, and start thinking about those hot summer days on Wisconsin’s beautiful lakes! If you’ve put in the hard work through diet and exercise but your body still isn’t quite where you’d like it to be for beach season, cosmetic surgery can bridge that gap. Here are the top 3 beach body cosmetic procedures that can take you the rest of the way to feeling confident in your swimsuit:

  • Scarless Breast Augmentation
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction

Scarless Breast Augmentation for a Curvier Swimsuit Silhouette

Breast augmentation creates a fuller, more feminine shape to fill out swimsuit tops, summer dresses, blouses, and bras, eliminating the need for padded tops that can slip out of place, retain water while swimming, and stay damp while the rest of you dries off!

Genetics, pregnancy and nursing, and weight loss can all lead to deflation or overall small breast size. Breast augmentation adds the volume back to your top that you’ve been missing or haven’t yet enjoyed. 

Dr. Thomas Bartell specializes in transaxillary breast augmentation, meaning that the procedure leaves no scars on the chest wall. Dr. Bartell places the breast implant using a small incision in the arm pit, leaving a tiny scar under the arm that vanishes after six months. The implant placed will be saline, which creates a natural, beautiful look without the safety issues of silicone implants.

A Sleek New Shape with Tummy Tuck

Weight loss and pregnancy can also sometimes result in loose, sagging skin around the midsection and stretched-out abdominal muscles. People uncomfortable with their midsection often resort to wearing shirts, oversized clothes, and loose swimsuits to cover the problem areas, despite the warm temps.

To banish these in time for beach season, a tummy tuck can eliminate those pesky areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Bartell will remove any excess fat with liposuction. Dr. Bartell will then remove excess skin and any C-section scars, as well as tighten the abdominal wall if it’s been stretched out by pregnancy. Dr. Bartell will also ensure that the tummy tuck scar will be placed out of sight, even in a swimsuit.

The result is a clean, tight abdomen that you can feel confident in poolside without feeling the need to cover up.

Liposuction for Stubborn Fat

Liposuction is another effective tool for fighting fat that won’t go away despite your best efforts. Common areas that patients request liposuction for are the “love handles” or flanks, waist, and, hips. 

During liposuction, Dr. Bartell uses a variety of cannula to remove layers of fat from problem areas. The incisions made are small, and patients are typically back to work within 5-7 days. Afterward, a compression garment must be worn as much as possible for the following three weeks.

Liposuction can give you a brand-new contour and the confidence to wear that swimsuit you’ve always wanted to.

Get Beach Body-Ready with Dr. Thomas Bartell

Beach season is almost here! Don’t let issues with your body keep you from enjoying life to the full. Schedule your consult with body recontouring expert Dr. Thomas Bartell. Dr. Bartell specializes solely in below-the-neck body recontouring procedures, including tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast augmentation in Madison, Wisconsin

Dr. Bartell Body Recontouring Specialist

6418 Normandy Lane, Suite 210
Madison, WI 53719
United States (US)
Fax: (608) 271-0502

Top 3 Beach Body Cosmetic Procedures brought to you by Dr. Thomas Bartell