Alyssa has almost three decades of experience as an RN (Registered Nurse), two of which have been as an Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber (APNP) and CRNA. More specifically she has been practicing in the specialty of ambulatory plastic surgery since 2007. Alyssa has a passion for personal development and holistic approaches to health and wellness. She is trained in level 1 Reiki and received training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC). She is fascinated by the mind-body connection and in 2019 will be working toward her 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher certificate.
Of all the places she could work, Alyssa chose to work with Dr. Bartell because she loves the small intimate environment. “We are like a family. It comes through in the care we provide and the attention we give our patients. The freedom and autonomy I have to provide high quality care, by my personal standards, brings me immense satisfaction.” Her focus on connection, trust, safety, and comfort can be seen in the approaches she and the other staff take to relieve anxiety: warm blankets, soft lighting, essential oils, soothing music, and visualization exercises.
Alyssa’s comprehensive focus on care can be summed up in her description of her best day at work: “Seeing patients wake up smiling and saying they’ve never felt this good after surgery, makes for a pretty amazing day!”